Partner Portal
See EVERY sale and EVERY customer as a Publisher Partner.
- Customer name, address, email & phone number
- Full customer order
- Delivery arranged for next day
- Add new publications
- Your CIRCULATION team can take orders directly from your readers – track each of your salespeople – or pay commission to your outbound sales team

- 8 FRONT COVER - updated by you every issue
- 9 RECOMMEND* - your titles on your product page
- 10 ABOUT - write your own description
- 11 CONTACT - update your contact details - address, telephone & email
- 12 YOUR TEAM - add your editorial and advertising teams

PRICING - Introductory Offer
FREE set up in your portal - Partner Fee to add each title - PLUS fee per sale
Your Title | Cover Price | Issues | Partner Fee | Per Sale |
Weekly Newspaper | £1.10 | 52 | £57.20 | £1.10 |
Monthly Magazine | £4.99 | 12 | £59.88 | £4.99 |
Regional Daily Newspapers | £8.60 | 52 | £447.20 | £8.60 |
National Newspapers | POA | |||
Subscription Sale | POA | £50.00 |
* ADD Recommend, Checkout and Discount for £50 per title
- Add RECOMMEND… to upsell your other titles
- Add CHECKOUT to suggest your free delivery offer/ subscription / other title
- Add DISCOUNT to discount your local newspaper when ordering your daily newspaper
- Add FEATURE for your title on our home page – call us for a quote
SUBSCRIPTIONS – We can also manage all aspects of your newspaper voucher subscription offer, including next day delivery AND downloadable content/ access to premium services. No more waiting to post out vouchers at great expense, and the option of digitising and fraud proofing your subscriptions. Debit Card and Direct Debit collection available