The News (Portsmouth)

Monday to Saturday

9770963430xxx - 30

Price since: 01-Jul-24

From: £0.00

  • Mon

    £1.20 each
  • Tue

    £1.20 each
  • Wed

    £1.20 each
  • Thu

    £1.20 each
  • Fri

    £1.20 each
  • Sat

    £1.30 each

From: £0.00

The News is the only local paid-for newspaper in Portsmouth, England, and covers a wide area of south Hampshire. It is produced by Johnston Press, owners of Portsmouth Publishing & Printing, at their headquarters in North Harbour, Portsmouth, and printed in nearby Hilsea. Wikipedia

Contact The News (Portsmouth)

Postal address 1000 Lakeside
North Harbour
Western Road
Telephone 023 9266 4488
Official website
Wikipedia The_News_(Portsmouth)
Main email

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