
To Care Homes

Delivery to your care home by 7am - any newspapers, any magazines.

Convenient Delivery

papersdirect specialises in providing newspapers and magazines to residents in Care Homes whether private or council run. papersdirect charge per resident, (reduced rate when delivering to ten or more people in your Care Home). Each resident has an individual account within your Care Home which allows you to manage stopping, starting and changing your residents newspapers as they come and go!

Convenient Billing

By having individual accounts, this makes it easier for your admin office to collect cash, or transfer funds and make one single “weekly” payment from your Care Home to papersdirect for all deliveries. Experience has shown us that weekly billing makes it easier for your admin team to keep on top of your residents newsbills. Newspapers are either delivered to your residents room, or “addressed” with the room number for delivery by one of your team or an early riser at your home.

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with papersdirect

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